Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche

Kleine Oper Bad Homburg & Stalburg Theater Guerilla-Stoffel

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Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche

Kleine Oper Bad Homburg & Stalburg Theater Guerilla-Stoffel

Ein modernes Familien-Musical ab 5 Jahren

Education through entertainment. “Real” opera singers invite young audiences to a fun excursion into classical music. They sing classical melodies and arias from opera and operetta to Till Eulenspiegel’s pranks. Live, of course. A concert pianist accompanies them on the grand piano. Also live. Naturally. And there's pop music and groovy dances to go with it. Thus the pranks of Till Eulenspiegel become a kaleidoscope of vivid and fun scenes with colourful costumes, an elaborate set, as well as fancy lighting design and pyrotechnics. Kleine Oper Bad Homburg has selected the most beautiful and exciting of Eulenspiegel's many pranks. Joining Till Eulenspiegel are King Rundelbunt, Princess Lilienweiß, Duke Donnergroll, Schmiedeglut and a dragon.
Mit: Dzuna Kalnina, Markus Neumeyer, Moritz Bauer, Ingrid El Sigai und Christoph Kögel

Ein Beitrag zum Sommerbau-Programm des Stalburg Theaters.


Language: German
Duration: 70 Min. (no break)
from the age of 5

Admission ends 15 minutes before the beginning of the performance.
The price is per lodge. At the time of booking, the two double seats must be booked separately.

Admission is only possible with proof of negative Corona status (tested, vaccinated or recovered). Results of a test may not be more than 24 hours old at this event.

Your contact details (name, address, telephone number and e-mail address) will be recorded on location before the event in order to follow-up in case of a COVID-19 infection.
No entry without a medical mouth-nose covering! Wearing a mouth-nose covering is mandatory at all times, except at your own seat. Disinfect your hands when entering the building or grounds.
More information on hygiene, ticketing and gastronomy at Sommerbau-Service

Via https://twitter.com/sommerbau_OF we inform you at short notice, if the event can’t take place as announced (due to bad weather e.g.).


Sponsors and Supporters

Mit: Dzuna Kalnina, Markus Neumeyer, Moritz Bauer, Ingrid El Sigai und Christoph Kögel

Der Kultursommer Frankfurt Rhein Main 2021 wird durchgeführt vom Künstlerhaus Mousonturm in Kooperation mit dem Kulturdezernat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, dem Frankfurt LAB, Clubs am Main, der freitagsküche und dem Gallus Theater. Gefördert im Programm Kultursommer 2021 durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) mit Mitteln aus NEUSTART KULTUR, die Adolf und Luisa Haeuser-Stiftung für Kunst und Kulturpflege sowie vom Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst im Rahmen des Kulturpakets 2 des Landes Hessen und unterstützt durch DIEHL+RITTER / INS FREIE!

Gefördert von FESSIE (FES) und der Frankfurter Sparkasse.