For “THESE DAYS”, Thea Reifler and Phila Bergmann set out into the heart of Donald Trump’s radically changing America. As the siblings Finn & Linn, the performance duo travelled in summer 2017 along Route 1 USA, leading from Miami to the Canadian border. This highway has always connected a cross-section of American society. Once the busiest street in the world, people called it USA’s lifeline. But now, that’s a thing of the past. And for many today, the past is the better future, or so the two travellers learned. Together with performer Malte Scholz, they have now taken this experience as a starting point for a performance.
In German and English * Regie, Bühne, Text: Phila Bergmann * Dramaturgie, Bühne, Text: Thea Reifler * Performance, Text: Malte Scholz * Musik: Ole Hübner * Licht: Marie Meyer * Kostüm: Thorbjörn Uldam * Bild: Johanna Wagner, Night Shot Series * Vielen Dank an: Dr. Lorenz Aggermann, Dr. Sebastian Brünger, Uwe Czettl, Prof. Heiner Goebbels, Matthias Mohr, Dr. Philipp Schulte, Theresa Willeke * Gefördert von der Stadt Frankfurt und der Hessischen Theaterakademie