USA, 2021, 98 Min.World premiere
Shared Resources follows the director's parents over their 5-year-long bankruptcy, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, their father's career as a debt collector, Agent Orange, and the life-altering expense of the director’s college education. As the director and their family confront their widely differing understandings of the financial systems entangling them––reacting to and describing what the film shows–– they reckon with the risks of representing and living inside the bonds of debt, disability, and dependency.
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Duration: 98 min.
From 25.11.2021 applies according to the current Coronavirus Protection Ordinance: This event will take place under 2G rules. A valid vaccinated or convalescent status must be presented for admission, including an official photo ID. Partial occupancy in the event room. Wearing a medical mask (FFP2 mask, makeshift surgical mask) is mandatory everywhere, including at the seating area.