It takes a Village: Bar Mitzvah’d at Forty – Hawdala

Ariel Ashbel and friends & Voices of Yemen

It takes a Village: Bar Mitzvah’d at Forty – Hawdala

Ariel Ashbel and friends & Voices of Yemen

He will end the holy Shabbat and the day of his Bar Mitzvah ceremony with us in the Mousonturm with a havdala ceremony and a concert by the Israeli ensemble "Voices of Yemen" under the direction of Ravid Kahalani. With classical Yemeni sounds, he celebrates the transition between light and darkness, the sacred and the profane, and thus also highlights the change between the person as whom Ashbel began the day and the person as whom he ends it.

Finally, on Sunday, a festival is held at the Mousonturm – a mixture of speeches and talks, music and dance, food and drink, party and ritual.

In the series of events, Ashbel uses his Jewish perspective to take a look at countless facets of foreignness and diversity, starting from the personal. His "life-specific" performance and bar mitzvah thus become a place for inclusive and intersectional encounters and make the depth of the festival tangible in many of its dimensions.


World premiere
Duration: 60 Min.
Language: english

Sponsors and Supporters

Ariel Efraim Ashbel and friends
Special Guests: Ravid Kahalani und “Voices of Yemen”

Artistic Director: Ariel Efraim Ashbel
Artistic Collaboration + Music: Ethan Braun
Artistic Collaboration + Stage Design: Eli Petel
Dramaturgie: Jeanne Charlotte Vogt, Anna von Glasenapp
Artwork: Avi Bohbot
Produktion: Anna von Glasenapp, Patscharaporn Krüger-Distakul, Maischa Gelhard
Technische Leitung: Aleksandar Dojcinovic

„METAhub Frankfurt - Museums, Education, Theatre, Arts - Kultur im digitalen und städtischen Raum“ ist ein Kooperationsprojekt des Jüdischen Museums Frankfurt, des Archäologischen Museums Frankfurt und des Künstlerhauses Mousonturm in Partnerschaft mit dem NODE Verein zur Förderung Digitaler Kultur e.V. Gefördert im Programm Kultur Digital der Kulturstiftung des Bundes – gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien. Weiterhin gefördert durch den Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain sowie durch Mittel des Dezernats für Kultur und Wissenschaft der Stadt Frankfurt am Main.