Improvisation is what drives WITH THESE HANDS: every evening, a new dialogue takes place between music and dance. The musicians from Ensemble Modern and the dancers from the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company inspire each other with creative ideas, developing sounds and movements that are recorded, processed, altered and reintroduced into the flow by Norwegian jazz musician and live electronics artist Jan Bang. The result is a slowly changing stream of movement and music in which sound and dance become inextricably intertwined. For this production, Jacopo Godani uses oversized head sculptures to transform the dancers into epic titans and mythological, alien beings, creating a world with its very own aesthetic.
In recent years, the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company has cooperated with Ensemble Modern on multiple occasions. This successful partnership is now being taken to a new level through the collaboration with Norwegian jazz musician and live electronics artist Jan Bang.
duration: 60 Min.
Sponsors and Supporters
Konzept und Choreografie: Jacopo Godani
Musik: Jan Bang (Live-Elektronik), Ensemble Modern (Dietmar Wiesner - Flöte, Saar Berger - Horn, Sava Stoianov - Trompete, Jagdish Mistry - Violine, Eva Böcker - Violoncello, Norbert Ommer - Klangregie)
Komposition: Jan Bang / Ensemble Modern
Bühne/Kostüm/Licht: Jacopo Godani
Kopfskulpturen Konzept und Design: Jacopo Godani
Kopfskulpturen Umsetzung: Wiebke Quenzel
Todd Baker, Felix Berning, Kevin Beyer, Roberta Inghilterra, Anne Jung, Barbora Kubátová, Clay Koonar, Amanda Lana, Zoe Lenzi Allaria, Allison McGuire, Gjergji Meshaj, Alessandra Miotti, Gaizka Morales Richard, David Leonidas Thiel, Tars Vandebeek, Sam Young-Wright
Uraufführung: 8.7.2021 in HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, Dresden
Eine Produktion der Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company in Kooperation mit dem Ensemble Modern und dem F°LAB Festival. Gefördert durch den Kulturfonds Rhein Main und die Adolf und Luisa Haeuser-Stiftung für Kunst und Kulturpflege.
Community Workshop zu With these Hands
2.7, Sat, 4.00 - 6.00 pm
3.7, Sun, 4.00 - 6.00 pm
Location: Studio of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company
Duration: 120 min
Free admission
Language: German
The community dance workshop for WITH THESE HANDS is aimed at anyone between the ages of 14 and 99 who is interested in dance and wants to get to know the basis of Jacopo Godani's choreographic work. The workshop begins with a warm-up based on contemporary dance technique. With the help of improvisation exercises, blockages and insecurities in dealing with one's own body will be released and one's own language of movement will be discovered in a completely new way. During the workshop, improvisational tools from the current production WITH THESE HANDS will be learned and a joint choreography will be developed on this basis.
The workshop is aimed at beginners and advanced dancers aged 14-99.
Registration at: