The philosopher Giorgio Agamben formulates in his work a radical critique of human rights and the nation-state order. The focus is always on the question of the limits within which we find ourselves. And so, for him, every person who questions the meaning of boundaries is a character who should be put in focus.
In HAPPY BIRTHDAY, a performance by Sahar Rezaei, the director is alone on the stage. With the appearance of the audience, everything that is on the stage becomes an image: even the character standing on the stage, waiting for the audience, becomes part of this framed picture. For existential reasons, the performer asks herself what this picture is and remembers experiences that she had with pictures in her life. Through her personal story, which in the end doesn't seem so personal anymore, we witness a journey through the last thirty years: from Tehran via Prague to Frankfurt. We accompany the character on stage in her search for liberation from the frames.
duration: 60 Min.
Sponsors and Supporters
Von und Mit: Sahar Rezaei
Video und Schauspielcoaching: Samuel Simon
Dramaturgie: Björn Fischer
Musik: Sara Trawöger
Fotos: Christian Schuller