In “Ghost Animal Future”, Lu Chieregati questions the way we view and experience time. In contrast to the linear progression of time, which is only ever directed towards the future, the piece explores the possibility of experiencing the past, present, and future simultaneously, in dance. It creates a fascinating flow of attention in which the performers try to integrate the three times - and the other possibilities of time that may emerge. Chieregati choreographs a physicality that allows space and time to be connected through movement. In doing so, the piece creates alternative narratives that refer to human and non-human landscapes in space, pushing the imagination in new, unusual directions.
Duration: 50 Min.
No language skills requiered
World premiere
Sponsors and Supporters
Idea and Direction: Luciana Chieregati
Choreography: Luciana Chieregati
Dramaturgy oft the process: Carolina Mendonça
Artistic companionship: Carolina Campos
Dancers-creators: Sara Manubens, Bibi Dória and Luciana Chieregati
Sound Creation: Leticia Skrycky, Fabricio Rossi
Scenic and lighting space: Leticia Skrycky
Costume design: Feña Celedón
Production: Luciana Chieregati
Acknowledgements: Ibon Salvador and Rodrigo Andreolli
Grants for stage production of the Basc Country 2022, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, La Fundición Bilbao, JLU University of Giessen, La Infinita (Barcelona) and La Poderosa (Barcelona).
In Kooperation mit der Hessischen Theaterakademie.