If their first EP “Piccolo Family” sounded like a cry of empowerment, Bipolar Feminin have since gained a passionate following through their rousing live gigs and have themselves also truly become a kind of power. “We feel a different sense of responsibility now,” says the band, “because of the change in reach, it has become more important for us to engage more intensively with the music and the lyrics. The work has become more conscious and reflective. An always on-going process.” Their new album, “Ein fragiles System” (“A Fragile System”), contains ten highly catchy confrontations with the bipolarity of anger and love: “Das ist ein fragiles System / Nicht auszudenken, hier was zu drehen / Nichts ist austauschbar / Es ist, wie es ist, wie es war” (“Wie es ist”).["This is a fragile system / Can't think of twisting anything here / Nothing is replaceable / It is what it is, how it was” ("Wie es ist"]. Bipolar Feminin's sound has become more disciplined, but just because they write catchy pop songs doesn't mean they feel obliged to take on polite manners. “You don’t have to give a shit anymore", as they say in “Am Boden”.
Ein fragiles System - Tour
Bipolar Feminin