Partner: Zentrum verantwortungsbewusste Digitalisierung
Follow the Money
Of Analogue Values, Digital Currencies and the Quantification of the World
A classic format of performative knowledge appropriation: 90 experts pick up the scent of money at scales small, big, and personal, showing how cryptocurrencies challenge banks and states, and close the gaps of the salable. The “Market for Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge” is a place for exchanging knowledge, an archive and a reading room, a stock exchange and a counselling service all at the same time.
Book a 1:1 conversation for €1 or listen to the talks via the 8 channels of the Market Radio!
Money generates, transforms, destroys ties between people and people, people and things, things and things. This has (almost) always been the case. Acceleration is increasing, the market ticks in real time and trades with the future: nowhere is the digitalisation of the world more striking than in the economic sphere. Cryptocurrencies are replacing bank accounts; alternative payment systems are challenging the power of states, which in turn are trying to counter the competition from global technology and platform corporations.
The total virtualisation of reality promises its equally total commodification. Everything – real and virtual objects, memories, feelings, care – becomes a potential carrier of value, a possible object of speculation, a token.
Money is a relational tool. It creates relationships: of debt and guilt, of dependencies, of prosperity and poverty. It irrationally rationalises the world. It is used to compare the value of things, activities, relationships, but also of people. Money is the face of capital, fetish, metaphor and machine, threatening and desirable.
In an arena running on the rhythm of administrative time, 90 experts from the fields of art, activism, theory and myriad of everyday careers will present their expertise: What actually is this strange medium of money that has been argued about for at least two and a half millennia? The Market for Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge traces the developments of money, looks at what it makes possible and what it does by adopting the refrain of investigative journalists and marriage swindlers: Follow the money!
Detailed information on the following experts in the encyclopedia (PDF download)
Book a 1:1 conversation with the experts:
Ben Ackermann, visual artist
Thomas Adam, city guide & ex-homeless person
Antigone Akgün, theater director
André Alfes, legal expert / Bundesbank
Katrin Assenmacher, head of the Monetary Policy Strategy Division / ECB
Timothy Attanucci, literary scholar
Andrea Baldan, romance philologist
Luca Bärenklau, environmental activist
Noria Bellouch, cooperative co-founder
Frank Berger, curator for monetary history / Historisches Museum Frankfurt
Bastian Bergerhoff, city treasurer / Frankfurt am Main
Barbara Brandl, economic sociologist / Institute for Social Research (IfS)
Karlheinz Braun, editor & founder / Verlag der Autoren
Till Breyer, Germanist
Golde Carlsson, sex worker
Il-Jin Atem Choi, visual artist
Tsafrir Cohen, human rights activist & executive director / medico international
Caroline Creutzburg, performance artist
Radha D'Souza, legal scholar & activist
Minh Dao, solutions architect / Chainalysis
Clémentine Deliss, curator & cultural scientist
Jutta Ditfurth, political activist & author
Nicole Fischer, hairdresser
Carlos Franke, interaction artist
Petra Gehring, philosopher / Zentrum verantwortungsbewusste Digitalisierung
Claus George, computer scientist & banker / DZ Bank
Jürgen Geuter, technologist
Jan Greitens, historian of monetary theories
Achim Greser, cartoonist / Greser&Lenz
Lisa Yashodhara Haller, political scientist / Institute for Social Research (IfS)
Pit Hartling, vice world champion of magic art
Michael Hartmann, researcher of elites
Ina Hartwig, Head of Cultural Affairs / Frankfurt am Main
Rolf Haubl, psychoanalytic social psychologist & former director of the Sigmund Freud Institute
Bernadette La Hengst, unconditional choir director
Mikael GB Horstmann, etiquette expert
Hannah Hurtzig, artistic director / Mobile Academy Berlin
Moritz Hütten, financial sociologist
Bijan Kaffenberger, economist, politician & author
Alexander Karschnia, theatermaker / andcompany&Co.
Alexandra Keiner, economic sociologist / Weizenbaum Institute
Fleur Kemmers, archaeologist & numismatist
Radwa Khaled-Ibrahim, consultant for critical aid & emergency aid / medico international
Tobias Klein, bank founder / First Private
Patrick Kokoszynski, activist / ADA-Kantine
Christian Kremser, economic philosopher & Trekkie
Bojana Kunst, philosopher & performance theorist
Mahret Ifeoma Kupka, curator / Museum Angewandte Kunst
Agnieszka Kurant, artist
Laura Laabs, in-game scientist
Nikolas Lelle, social philosopher & consultant on anti-Semitism / Amadeo Antonio Stiftung
Marlon Lieber, Americanist
Lina Lindheimer, Riedel trade representative
Aminata Lorenz, K-Pop fan
Julia Mantel, poet
Katja Maurer, author
Fabrice Mazliah, choreographer
Nana Melling, artist & consultant for political education
Daniel Mertens, political economist / University of Osnabrück
Guadalupe Moreno, sociologist & political economist
Gerald Nestler, artist and author
Aleksandra Peeva, economist & consultant to the World Bank / LSE
Michael Quast, actor / Volksbühne im Großen Hirschgraben
Jana Ringwald, cybercrime prosecutor
Jochen Schmith, artists' collective
Martin Schmitt, historian of technology
Inken Schönauer, head of finance department / F.A.Z.
Dag Schulze, experimental economist
Brett Scott, cash activist & ex-broker
Shantel aka Stefan Hantel, musician
Roland Siegwald, artist
Sebastian Siepen, market infrastructure expert, Market Innovation and Integration Division / ECB
Robin Sommer, music activist & member of a collective economy
Peter Stamer, artist
Marcus Steinweg, philosopher
Igor Štromajer, internet artist
Nathan Taylor, literary scholar
Joana Tischkau, choreographer & flea market coach
Julia Uherek, division manager, consumer goods fairs / Messe Frankfurt
Robert Virga, Ethereum stakeholder
Jeanne Charlotte Vogt, media art curator & inofficial tax consultant
Klaus Walter, pop critic
Carola Westermeier, social scientist
Janosch Witte, money laundering officer / ProCredit banking group
Sabine Wochele, teacher & pocket money expert / Freie Schule Frankfurt
Sonja Yakovleva, visual artist
Licenser: Hannah Hurtzig
Curator: Florian Malzacher
Dramaturgy: Philipp Scholtysik
Project Manager: Ulrike Voidel
A Mobile Akademie Berlin project, produced by Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm in cooperation with ZEVEDI (Centre Responsible Digitality). A project in the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. ZEVEDI is supported by the Hessian Minister for Digital Strategy and Innovation.
Sponsors and Supporters
Kurator: Florian Malzacher
Dramaturg: Philipp Scholtysik
Lizenzgeberin: Hannah Hurtzig
Lizenznehmer: Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm
Produktionsleitung: Ulrike Voidel
Produktionsassistenz & Lektorat: Julia Buchberger
Bühne: Satis & Fy, Daniel Klein-Scenic Planning
Veranstaltungstechnik: Public Noise
Kostüm & Beauty: Christian Fritzenwanker
Kostüm & Beauty Assistenz: Paula Kern
Grafik: Marc Engenhart, Alexander Thoma
Krisenintervention: Dr. Maya Hatsukano
Produktionsberatung & Übersetzung: Cory Tamler
Unterstützung Interviews: Marina Rengel Lucena
Lektorat: Marian Kaiser
Fotografie: Nói Crew, Fotodesign Claus Völker
Klient*innen Check In
Zeitmanagement: Nick Lenthin
Host*essen: Jeanne Eschert, Paul Prager, Marina Rengel Lucena, Philipp Scholtysik
Ansagen: Annette Weronek
Info & Beschwerde: Judith Altmeyer
Ausgabe Marktradio: Felix Potyra, Finn Schlarb
Aufsicht: Philipp Hochleichter
Hostessen: Reinhild Bernet, Martina Gebhardt, Nathalie Heger, Kathrin Klinker
Schriftdolmetscherinnen: Antonia Hanelt, Fanni Schack
Runner: Steffen Smirny, Lilly Webert
Expert*innen Check In
Franziska Kutschera, Leonore Schönau, Matthias Schönau
Second Hand Knowledge
Stella Fazio, Nike Hennig, Vera Sophie Mattes
Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm
Geschäftsführung: Marcus Droß, Anna Wagner
Technische Leitung: Aleksandar Dojcinovic
Produktionsbüro: Katja Armknecht
Social Media: Christoph Meyer
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Gabriele Müller, Miriam Loy, Katharina Scheuermann
Frankfurt LAB
Projektleitung: Jenny Flügge, Florian Ackermann
Technische Leitung: David Bräuer
Mitarbeit Technische Leitung: David Hoffmann
Bundesfreiwilligendienst: Rike Meyer
Zentrum verantwortungsbewusste Digitalisierung (ZEVEDI) &
ZEVEDI-Diskursprojekt eFin & Demokratie
Konzeption und Organisation: Prof. Dr. Petra Gehring, Dr. Erik Meyer, Dr. Isabel Schmidt
Kommunikation: Marlene Görger, Caroline Marburger
Ein Projekt der Mobilen Akademie Berlin, produziert vom Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm in Kooperation mit ZEVEDI, dem Zentrum verantwortungsbewusste Digitalisierung. Ein Projekt im Rahmen des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien. ZEVEDI wird gefördert von der Hessischen Ministerin für Digitale Strategie und Entwicklung.
Infos in Leichter Sprache
Follow the Money – Folge dem Geld
Was ist Geld – und Was ist wie viel Geld wert?
Geld ist wichtig - im Leben von fast allen Menschen. Geld macht glücklich. Geld macht reich. Mit Geld hat man viele Möglichkeiten. Aber Geld kann auch viel kaputt machen. Aber was ist Geld eigentlich? Was ist wie viel Geld wert? Was kann man mit Geld kaufen? Und was macht Geld mit den Menschen?
In einem großen Raum erzählen hundert Fachleute aus ganz verschiedenen Bereichen: Was hat Geld in ihrem Leben gemacht. Was hat Geld möglich gemacht. Und was hat Geld kaputt gemacht.
Sie können mit einem der Fachleute direkt sprechen. Die Person erzählt dann Ihnen persönlich, was Geld in ihrem Leben gemacht hat.
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Und können zwischen 8 Programmen im Markt-Radio wählen.
Follow the Money – Folge dem Geld
Und finde heraus: Was hat Geld mit verschiedenen Menschen gemacht.
Die Veranstaltung dauert von 19:00 Uhr bis 22:30 Uhr.
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