The goal of the workshop is to give you the opportunity to learn more about Ballroom and Voguing and why this culture and these free spaces are very important in Germany. In establishing Ballroom, in Germany, a culture that was created mainly by and for BIOPC Queer Bodies, it is important that the knowledge transfer takes place on many levels and not only physically. There is a need to develop an understanding that this culture and every movement is connected to much more than first appears. Representation and acceptance unfortunately do not exist as a matter of course for everyone in our society, so our community does a lot of self-organized activist or social work. The workshop will provide a basic understanding of the different dance styles and categories in Ballroom culture, such as Vogue Fem, New Way, Old Way, Runway and Face.
Duration: approx. 60 min.
Language: German
Those who do not have any Ballroom experience yet and still want to participate in the Posing and Runway Workshop should attend the Ballroom for Beginners Workshop beforehand.
Sponsors and Supporters
Kooperation mit „Anybody Walking?“
Die Tanzplattform Rhein-Main, ein Projekt von Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm und Hessischem Staatsballett, wird ermöglicht durch den Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain und gefördert vom Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, dem Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst und der Stiftungsallianz [Aventis Foundation, BHF BANK Stiftung, Crespo Foundation, Hans Erich und Marie Elfriede Dotter-Stiftung, Dr. Marschner Stiftung, Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main]