After editions at Osthafen and the Alte Oper, the Geheime Salon is back at Mousonturm. And as usual, everything is once again a little different: the five-piece Japanese minimal math rock band Goat will interpret our motto “Sonic Sanctuaries” in their own way and create a veritable sound refuge in Studio 1. Their instruments of choice are preparated acoustic instruments such as drums, percussion, bass and saxophone, which weave webs of polyrhythmic sound in endless repetitive loops and expose the listeners to the danger of a hypnotic trance state. Before and after the concert, Frankfurt DJ and organiser of the saasfee*oblique series Andreas Aprill will play select electronic sound material at the Lokal.
Sponsors and Supporters
Der Geheime Salon – Sonic Sanctuaries ist ein Projekt von Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, gefördert vom Musikfonds e.V. mit Projektmitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.