Brane Zorman and Esad Babačić started their creative career as members of the punk bands O! Kult and Via Ofenziva, for whom they also wrote lyrics. Zorman was also a guitarist, but both were mainly front men, i.e. they sang the songs they wrote for their bands and sometimes just recited them. Their poetry, which wasn't really considered as poetry at the time, ended up in the Anthology of Slovenian Punk Poetry. In their performance, they will conjure up at least part of the atmosphere that prevailed during the Slovenian punk new wave movement in the early 1980s. In addition to their own verses, they will also present the poetry of other Slovenian punk poets of the time.
Dauer: 60 Min.
Sprache: Slowenisch mit deutschen Übertiteln
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Das Projekt „Slowenien – Ehrengast der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2023, ein Modell zur nachhaltigen internationalen Förderung des slowenischen literarischen Schaffens, wird von der Republik Slowenien und der Europäischen Union im Rahmen des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert.