A retired journalist locks himself in his house to watch his favourite film “Casablanca” – but the world constantly interrupts him with a series of demands. In their partly performed, partly read stage play, the Theater im Keller ensemble presents one of a total of 13 works by Slovenian playwright Evald Flisar that they have produced in German so far. “Aquarium” is sophisticated and full of humour, a witty and bitter play in which intense, verbally and thematically complex dialogues and monologues literally flood the stage.
Duration: 100 min.
Language: German
Sponsors and Supporters
Mit: Bernd Sracnik, Alfred Haidacher, Sandra Högl, Tamara Belic
Das Projekt „Slowenien – Ehrengast der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2023, ein Modell zur nachhaltigen internationalen Förderung des slowenischen literarischen Schaffens, wird von der Republik Slowenien und der Europäischen Union im Rahmen des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert.