Among us there are three who wake up once a month drenched in sweat because they dream that they are still child stars.
Among us there is one who really once was a child star. Among us, there is not one who really remembers it. Among us, there are four who tell this story anyway.
How can one's own childhood be told in literary form on the basis of memories and omissions, narratives, family myths and existing documents? What role do historical and political circumstances play that we can only really understand in retrospect? And how can we share memories when the disparity of different experiences always stands between us? The zaungäste approach their retrospective of childhood from a particular biography: one of the performers was the presenter of a children's programme in the 1990s that ran parallel to the civil war in her country of birth. Together with her chorus colleagues, she creates a narrative mosaic that questions her own memories over and over again, and in which she rejects the role of the leading actress with relish: I actually only remember the photo of it. There is a photo of it, isn't there?
Duration: approx. 75 minutes
Language: German
recommended for ages 15 and up
world premiere
Sponsors and Supporters
zaungäste/Susanne Zaun/Marion Schneider/Ekaterine Giorgadze
Von und mit: ASJA, Judith Altmeyer, Gal Fefferman, Ekaterine Giorgadze
Konzept/Inszenierung: Ekaterine Giorgadze, Marion Schneider, Susanne Zaun
Choreographie: Ekaterine Giorgadze
Mitarbeit Recherche: Katharina Speckmann
Bühne: Jonathan Schmidt-Colinet, Jäckie Rydz
Kostüme: Nora Schneider Assistenz: Simon Leib
Technischer Leitung/Lichtdesign/Video: Felix Schwarzrock
Produktion: Svenja Polonji
Eine Koproduktion der zaungäste GbR und Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. Gefördert durch das Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst im Rahmen des Ottilie Roederstein Stipendiums 2023. Die zaungäste erhalten eine Mehrjahresförderung durch das Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Freunde und Förderer des Mousonturms e.V.
Die vorherige Recherche und Stückentwicklung wurde vom Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR gefördert.