The course delves into various contemporary dances to explore the relationship with music in a playful manner. The aim is to design a course that is gentle on the body, allowing participants to discover ways to give space to their authentic expression. Throughout the course, tools will be explored to enhance awareness of the body and music in motion. Guided improvisation is a crucial component, and towards the end of the course, a short movement sequence will be learned.
You can take part in both dates or in one of the individual dates.
Sponsors and Supporters
Die Tanzplattform Rhein-Main, ein Projekt von Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm und Hessischem Staatsballett, wird ermöglicht durch den Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain und gefördert vom Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, dem Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst und der Stiftungsallianz [Aventis Foundation, Crespo Foundation, Hans Erich und Marie Elfriede Dotter-Stiftung, Dr. Marschner Stiftung, ODDO BHF Stiftung, Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main].
Biography Abril Lukac
Abril Lukac is a dancer born in Buenos Aires. They started learning ballet when they were eleven at the Higher Institute of Art of the Colon Theater. After eight years, unhappy with the exclusive nature of ballet, they joined the Company of Folkloric Contemporary Dance in Buenos Aires city. When they turn eighteen, Abril decided to go to Germany to learn more about contemporary dance at Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts. This experience changed their interests from just dance to broader topics like building identities, looking at cultural history, and thinking about decolonization. In their own research Abril dances to process their experiences as a migrant and to get in touch with deep identity questions. They have made their own creations with support from Dis-Tanz-Solo and the Hessian State, together with other young artists. Abril Lukac has also danced for choreographers like Amelia Uzategui Bonilla, Paula Rosolen, and Laura Hicks.