The legal system, medicine and the state have an idea of how Trans*persons should live, love and transition: located in the so-called "opposite sex" and striving for its stereotype, the so-called "target sex" hetero etc etc etc etc etc. Those with a deviating way of life and_or identity are quickly considered "not really trans*" or "not trans* enough" – even within the scene. In this workshop, we both talk about individual ways to live and_be_trans* and about making decisions in open contradiction to social expectations. We exchange ideas and work together on developing strategies for situations in which our environment has told us who we have to be and_or how we have to live. In short, we talk about the phenomenon of transnormativity, which describes the norms and rules determining what society intends for Trans*Persons and what not (any more). Everybody who identifies as non-binary and_or trans* is cordially invited; especially those who haven't felt trans* enough at times and_or who have the feeling that they don't want to meet expectations.
Das Projekt "im*possible bodies. Performing sharing celebrating. Festival für utopische Praxis" wird gefördert durch die Kulturstiftung des Bundes und unterstützt durch die Freunde und Förderer des Mousonturms e.V. (f.f.m).