(M)IMOSA, a choreographic collaboration between Cecilia Bengolea, Francois Chaignaud, Marlene Freitas, and Trajal Harrell, is the title given to the Medium version of Harrell's series in five sizes, (XS) - (XL), entitled Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at The Judson Church.
What would have happened in 1963 if someone from the voguing ball scene had come down to Judson Church in Greenwich Village to perform alongside the early postmoderns? The answer to this question is embodied by the fictional persona Mimosa Ferrera – Mimosa the beautiful, who bathes in milk, is kissed by muses, created out of stories, costumes, gestures, song and dance. Identity only interests her as a possibility to spread lies. For her, trash is something very sublime and passion far more than sensuality and pain. Two male and two female dancers traverse the precarious terrain between seriousness and persiflage, between man and woman, pop and avant-garde, pornography and religion, voguing and ballet, classicism and postmodernism: a never-ending party of opposites, coming ever closer together as poles along the same axis.
By and with Cecilia Bengolea, François Chaignaud, Trajal Harrell, Marlene Monteiro Freitas * Production: Vlovajob Pru * Co-produced by: Le Quartz – Scène nationale de Brest, Théâtre National de Chaillot, Centre de Développement Choréographique – Toulouse, La Ménagerie de Verre, The Kitchen, Bomba Suicida and FUSED – French US Exchange in Dance * Supported by: Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers and The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.
In English.