Hölderlin Heterotopia

For “Hölderlin Heterotopia”, Japanese director Akira Takayama has developed a smartphone app that transforms the 22-kilometer Hölderlin Trail between Frankfurt and Bad Homburg into a “different place”. The app guides people who are on the path on foot to various different stops, at which users can activate original audio texts, stories and poems by 14 authors – including Alexander Kluge, Elfriede Jelinek, Jan Philipp Reemtsma, Navid Kermani and Helene Hegemann. Just like the poet Friedrich Hölderlin, for whom walking was a different, creative act and place in itself, “Hölderlin Heterotopia” searches for those “other” principles and rules by which we live our lives outside the current social order, while simultaneously deeply embedded in it.

The app is available on GooglePlay and AppStore. Further information and download link at www.hoelderlin-heterotopia.de

Idee, Konzept: Akira Takayama
Texte: Alexander Kluge, Deniz Utlu, Elfriede Jelinek, Helene Hegemann, Jan Philipp Reemtsma, Keijiro Suga, Kelly Copper, Lina Majdalanie, Marcel Beyer, Maria Stefanopoulou, Navid Kermani, Nuno Ramos , Theodoros Rakopoulos, Toni Hildebrandt u.a.

„Hölderlin Heterotopia“ ist ein App-Gestützter Audiowalk von Akira Takayama. Der Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain fördert „Hölderlin Heterotopia“ im Rahmen des von ihm initiierten Jubiläumsprogramms Hölderlin 2020. Unterstützt durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser.