(c) Florian Dobener



Sticky Matter

Mousonturm Studio 1


Update: Die Veranstaltung muss leider ausfallen. Tickets werden über die jeweilig genutzte Vorverkaufsstelle rückerstattet. Mehr Infos dazu finden Sie hier.

A spaceship drifts between planets, between the past, the forgotten and the lost – through the void. Or is something there after all? To get the ship running again, performance artist Asya Mahgoub explores dealing with the unknown while moving through sticky material. She tests narratives of discovery, tales of progress and descriptions of the foreign. What aggregate state are our identities in? The performance “Sticky Matter” welcomes you on board for this mission. Keep calm and stay alert.

Duration: 60 Min.
Language: German

Admission only with face mask! More information on hygiene and safety