Georgina Philp aka European Mother Leo Saint Laurent

Georgina Philp aka European Mother Leo Saint Laurent graduated in 2008 from the Fontys Dance Academy in Tilburg (Netherlands) with a Bachelor of Performing Arts and since then she has been working successfully as a freelance performer and choreographer in the European dance and culture industry. Mother Leo Saint Laurent is known as the trailblazer of Ballroom in Germany in Germany since the first Ball in 2012 during the Berlin Voguing Out Festival. She was deemed legendary for her main Category Womens European Runway 2022, becoming the first Legend in Germany. The European Chapter the House of Saint Laurent started in 2012, formerly known as the House of Melody, the first German Ballroom House. Since 2019 the House has transformed and joined forces with the Iconic House of Saint Laurent (founded 1982 in NYC), representing the European Chapter currently. This connection came to life through the Iconic Godfather Vjuan Allure Saint Laurent, who passed away in March 2021.