
In their performance YOU ARE OUT THERE, the multimedia and digital arts duo Chris Kondek and Christiane Kühl confront our omnipresent self-image with the constantly growing ability of industry and bureaucracy to have these digital doubles work for their own specific
purposes. Thanks to the wealth of selfies and profiles left online, we are more comprehensively identifiable than ever before – while at the same time our virtual identities gain more and more control over
our physical existence. The double becomes a doppelgänger who pursues an agenda of his/her own. YOU ARE OUT THERE turns the audience into accomplices in a multimedia ghost story that explores identity manipulations with the help of experimental IT technology, this
side and beyond the limits of legality.

In German and English * commissioned by BHF-BANK-Foundation as part of Frankfurter Positionen 2017 * Mousonturm-Production * Idea & Concept: Chris Kondek & Christiane Kühl * Performance: Idella Craddock, Chris Kondek, Christiane Kühl *Stagedesign and costume: Sonja Füsti * Assistance: Christina Amrhein, Sandra Li Maennel Saavedra * Composition and Music: Hannes Strobl * IT: Idella Craddock, Felix Marthaler * Video: Phillip Hohenwarter, Victor Morales, Ruth Stofer * Light: Marc Zeuske * Production management and assisteance artistic direction: Eva Lämmerzahl * With thanks to Priska Herger, Maria Rößler *

Premiere * Mousonturm Production