(c) Maglio Pérez, (c) Teatre Escalante

Marco Layera / Teatro La Re-Sentida

(Santiago de Chile)

La posibilidad de la ternura / Die Möglichkeit von Zärtlichkeit

Mousonturm Saal seated


In this theatre production by internationally acclaimed Chilean director Marco Layera, young people speak up against being perpetually taught a masculinity that discourages vulnerability and tenderness and punishes them for it. Empathy is construed as weakness. As one of the actors says: “The worst thing my hands have done is kill the child in me so that I can become a man.”

These young Chilean men between the ages of 14 and 18 are no longer prepared to accept this. So they ask themselves: How can we change if we don’t have any positive male role models? What stops us from showing affection or asking for tenderness? How do we turn tenderness into a political practice? In a powerful and poetic evening, Layera and the theatre collective La Re-Sentida search for the revolutionary power of tenderness. Powerful theatre for all those who are not satisfied with rigid role models and gender clichés.

for young audiences aged 12 and over
Duration: 70 min.
Language: Spanish spoken language with German and English surtitles

On 7.5. at 19.30 Warm-up for the audience in Studio 2