
MA Choreografie und Performance (CuP)


Rough Proposals

Mousonturm Studio 1


For three days, students of the masters programme Choreography and Performance (CuP) fill the Mousonturm with a choreographic festival that presents individual artistic student work. In addition to short performances, installations, interventions and open formats allow space for participation and research or seek to provoke responses and discussions. Every individual daily motto focuses on different aspects of discursive and performative practice. The international programme at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies, directed by Bojana Kunst since 2012, is offered in association with the Department for Contemporary Dance at the Frankfurt University for Music and Performing Art.
In German and English.

works by/ with: Janina Arendt, Ana Dubljevic, Monica Duncan, Inge Gappmaier, Émilia Guidicelli, René Alejandro Huari Mateus, Catalina Insignares, Hyunsin Kim, Christina Kramer, Romuald Krężel, Seung Hee Lee, Janna Athena Pinsker, Emmilou Rössling, Merel Roozen, Anja Sauer, Joana Tischkau, Else Tunemyr, Zuzana Zabkova,Studierenden des MA Choreographie und Performance (CuP) on the Institut for Applied Theater Studies (ATW) of the Justus-Liebig University Gießen.

choreografisches Festival