(c) TU Dresden

Nikita Dhawan

The Aesthetics of Violence, and the Violence of Aesthetics




Considering the historical role of art in colonial and fascist regimes, can one entrust art with the task of emancipatory politics? Can art make us political and ethical by provoking us out of our indifference and irresponsibility? Might critical artistic practices facilitate transnational justice and democracy, protecting and promoting human rights? Or should art be autonomous and non-purposive and not be placed in the service of political and ethical imperatives?

Given that art functions within structures of capitalism and neo-colonialism, the political, social and economic role of art, artistic practices, and art institutions in current conditions of global inequality remains ambivalent and controversial. Nikita Dhawan’s talk will address the role of an aesthetic education (Spivak) in the pursuit of postimperial global ethics and politics. Can the political labour of training the imagination mitigate imperialist, racist, orientalist and heteronormative structures and practices?


Language: English

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