(c) Melissa Livermore /Anna Lublina

Anna Lublina

(Frankfurt/New York)

Hamantaschen: Was ist deutsch und was ist jüdisch?

Location: Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt


The event planned as part of the Metahub collaboration has been cancelled. Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm will check whether it can be held at a later date.

A lecture performance and cooking class that introduces the audience to the preparation of the traditional Purim pastry “Hamantaschen” (Yiddish: “Montashn”) in simple steps. Hamantaschen are triangular desserts with various fillings, but mostly with poppy seeds. Hamantaschen are very similar to the German pastry Mohntaschen. Anna Lublina explores the intertwined origins of these two types of pastry in the 18th century, as well as the numerous attempts to separate these and other common cultural practices through the emergence of German and Jewish nationalisms.

Duration: 95 Minutes (the cooking could eventually last longer)
Language: English

Admission: anmeldung@metahubfrankfurt.de

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