(c) Tamar Lamm

“Shout Aloud” combines the creativity and energy of two outstanding artists. Choreographer Yasmeen Godder, who thrills audiences worldwide with her pieces, joins forces with Dikla, one of Israel’s best-known singers. “Shout Aloud” is inspired by Dikla’s first, ground-breaking album “Ahava Musica” from 2000, on which the artist mixes classical Arabic music with energetic dance electronics and experimental rock. Together with eight female dancers, Godder brings a female perspective on perseverance, resistance, grief, anger, helplessness, rebellion and solidarity to life as inspired by Dikla’s music and lyrics. They are joined live by Dikla herself and a nine-piece music ensemble, which creates a moving acoustic framework.


23. & 24.11.2024 Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste (Dresden)