(c) Florian Krauß

What have we got in common? What can we share and communicate? What makes us us? In “Geteilter Abend” the artist duo of Verena Billinger and Sebastian Schulz shed light on the relationship between the individual and society – between private and public life – between the part and the whole. For over ten years they have been creating dance pieces together that focus on community and the role of the body. In the first part of the evening Verena Billinger returns to the stage after a long absence to explore the question of how a biography can be told through dance. She shares her own personal view of her life and invites us to experience her relationship to dance and choreography with her.

This solo is followed by a powerful duet which picks up on choreographic elements from the solo and transposes them into a dynamic choreography. Three dancers then glide energetically and sensually through a range of movements of self-empowerment and loss of control. They explore the perception between themselves and the audience: how does the meaning of a movement change if it shifts from an individual body to a group? What is the relationship between a solo and a group? “Geteilter Abend” searches for gaps in the story, cracks in one’s own portrait and group affiliations.

Duration: 90 minutes
Language: German with English translation

Do. 16.11. 07.30 pm Introduction
Fr. 17.11. Meet the Artists after the show
Sa. 18.11. Small Talk after the show

World Premiere

Note on sensory stimuli:
Stroboscopic effects are used in the piece.