(c) Stefan Klüter

Gregor Praml

Gregor Praml trifft Paul Sies

Lokal im Mousonturm


Those who attended the LOKAL Listener Special on John Lennon in early October 2021 have already experienced him, his voice and his piano playing. Paul Sies is a young singer-songwriter currently making a name for himself. Born and raised in Darmstadt, theatre was one of the things that caught his fancy from an early age. After volunteering in Argentina, he studied literature and philosophy in Berlin, before finally switching to acting at the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Academy of Music and Theatre in Leipzig. And then there is always the music, his lyrics, his piano playing. Paul Sies is a songwriter in the best sense. He writes biting lyrics with subtle nuances and a great sense for the moments he describes, while also musically living them. Despite the fact that Paul Sies is now a permanent ensemble member at the Hans Otto Theatre in Potsdam, he is just starting a second career as a musician. Host Gregor Praml introduces this “young savage” – finally again live in the LOKAL of the Mousonturm and once again on Sundays, only from now on at 6 pm!

Abweichend zu den allgemeinen Hygienehinweisen gilt: Bei dieser Veranstaltung gilt Testpflicht (maximal 24 Stunden alter, kostenloser Bürgertest) für alle Besucher:innen, die Maskenpflicht entfällt.

Verschoben vom 03.04.2022 auf den 10.04.2022.